"Powered by the best blood lines."

"Powered by the best blood lines."

"Powered by the best blood lines."

"Powered by the best blood lines."

"Powered by the best blood lines."

"Powered by the best blood lines."

"Powered by the best blood lines."

"Powered by the best blood lines."

"Powered by the best blood lines."

"Powered by the best blood lines."
Heemhoeve's Hope of Glory
Heemhoeve's Hope of Glory (passport name Dasy) is a Connemara pony with a possible hint of foreign blood (paternal descent is unknown).
She was broken under saddle in the summer of 2023. She has shown herself to be an easy-going and willing pony. She isn’t afraid of anything.
She is walking at De Heemhoeve from the end of August 2023 and we have carefully started driving her. She also handles that very calmly and well.
We want to continue driving her during the winter of 2023/2024 and hope to participate in driving sports with her in 2024
Born:01 January 2019
Colour:Blue grey
Markings:Behind 2 white socks and an elongated star
Size:1.45 m
Sire's sire:Unkown
Dam:Connemara pony
Dam's sire:Connemara pony